This Tricycle converts in a balance bike, making it a 2-in-1 ride-on toy that can changes as your child grows. Here’s how it works: the ride-on toy comes with three wheels, and a couple of convertible parts so children as young as one year old can push along with the stability of the tricycle and the adjustable seat on a lower setting so they are closer to the ground. Then, as toddlers grow and start to learn balance, the tricycle can be converted into a balance bike by exchanging some of the parts, adjusting the seat height, and removing a wheel! The frame of the ride-on toy is made of wood. The tires are airless tires, and the seat is adjustable and cushioned. It also includes non-toxic hand grips.
Made by Kinderfeets
Designed for children ages 1-year-old and up.
Why we like it at Happy Little Tadpole:
A convertible tricycle to balance bike that’s made out of bamboo, has a convertible seat, and looks adorable? We’re in!
Also, for every bike Kinderfeets sells, they plant a tree in collaboration with Trees for the Future.
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