
Wild Animals of the North Book

Wild Animals of the North is a stunning southern animal reference book that features truly beautiful illustrations of some of the most exotic and unique animals found in the northern hemisphere world. See our gift below idea below or click the ‘view price’ button to see the current sale price on Amazon.

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Wild Animals of the North is a 144-page hardcover children’s book that features a beautifully illustrated collection of animals found in the Northern hemisphere.

The animals found in the book range from the Compass Jellyfish to the Grey Heron to the Snow Leopard and the Red Panda. The incredible illustrations showcase the animals in action, whether that means stalking it’s prey, enjoying a snack, or sleeping in a tree hollow. The illustrations are paired with information related to the animal featured, like how it hunts, or how it sounds, or what it uses to construct its home. The primary focus of this book is on the artful illustrated but the limited text included is well-selected and fitting for the imagery that you can’t help but study as you slowly turn the pages of this book. Wild Animals of the North was published by Flying Eye Books in June 2016. Book dimensions: 9.6 x 0.9 x 12.1 inches.

Created by Dieter Braun
Designed for children ages 7-years-old and older.

Why we like it at Happy Little Tadpole:
It’s hard to capture the beauty of some of the wildest and most unique animals found in the northern hemisphere of our planet – but this book does it well. The information included is interesting and just enough. The full-page illustrations are very well done, including textures, colors, and unique layouts and orientations. This book is worthy of being opened time and time again for years.

Gift Pairing Idea: Pair this Wild Animals Hardcover Reference Book with Mudpuppy’s Animal Kingdom 100 Piece Double-Sided Puzzle for an adorable wild animal gift set.